Monday, April 26, 2010

Number of cats killed last year

Ginger cat, originally uploaded by dawnkua.

I just heard from a very reliable source that the number of cats killed last year went down again. As many of you know, the number dropped from 13000 to 10000. Last year, it went down further to 6000. While that's still a lot of cats, and those deaths are preventable, it does show that progress is being made.

We've talked so often about sterilisation being a medium to long term solution - and I think we're really starting to see the results now. Even friends who aren't cat caregivers have mentioned to me that they're seeing more and more sterilised cat.

So caregivers give yourselves a HUGE pat on the back. There's still a ways to go - but we're getting there.


Singapore Community Cats said...

When will our gahmen acknowledge this active citizenry and lend a helping hand by offering FREE sterilisation of stray cats!

Dawn said...

That would help it go even faster!

White dove said...

Oh my God, it's around 500 cats per month. So many innocent souls just gone like that :(.

Dawn said...

It is - and that's why there's still a lot of work to do. On the other hand, caregivers shouldn't feel like what they are doing is in vain because the number killed used to be double that.

ethantan said...

that's really good to hear. I've noticed it too. was staying at changi village hotel and saw that most cats there are sterilized. why is it still so hard to convince the govt that sterilization works and get more support from them??

Anonymous said...

If ava cld get 2 mobile sterilisation clinics going to different areas in SG - there will be a reduction in community cats in mths. Few unsterilised cats will be left to reproduce. Everyone wants fewer community cats but differs in how reduction is achieved.

ethantan said...

to all the caregivers out there - great job and well done! ^_^ hope more cats will get sterilized and the number of cats culled decreases every year ...

Dawn said...

Actually mobile clinics don't make sense in Singapore. I think they did a study and found that it was only really useful if it covered a really large, rural area where there was no public transport. It costs too much money to run one.

eslina - I really don't know especially since the numbers seem to be bearing it out!